Building SIESTA with CMake

In this section, we describe how to compile SIESTA environment. We thus assume that you have already completed the steps explained in Preparing the environment.

There are 2 steps involved in the manual building of SIESTA:

  • Download and uncompress the source code.

  • Configure and compile the build.

Siesta requires CMake >= 3.17, and (if used) the ninja (>=1.10) backend. Both cmake and ninja can be installed easily in most systems, in particular with conda or pip.

Building SIESTA

Quick and go

The most basic compilation of Siesta can be done simply by:

cmake -S. -B_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installation
cmake --build _build -j 4
cmake --install _build

If all required dependencies are found this will succeed, otherwise follow below instructions.

Feature and dependecy flags


See also dependency-releated flags.



    Enable MPI support (ON by default).


    Enable OpenMP support (OFF by default).


    Enable DFT-D3 corrections (ON by default).


    Enable FLOOK/LUA support. Defaults to ON if LUA and readline are found.


    Enable NetCDF support. Defaults to ON if NetCDF can be found.


    Enable libXC support. Defaults to ON if the library can be found.


    Enable FFTW support. Defaults to ON if the library can be found.

Linear algebra libraries:

  • -DBLAS_LIBRARY=<name of library>|NONE

    Specifies the library name for linking. If NONE BLAS is implicitly linked through other libraries/flags or the compiler itself.

  • -DLAPACK_LIBRARY=<name of library>|NONE

    Specifies the library name for linking. If NONE LAPACK is implicitly linked through other libraries/flags or the compiler itself.

  • -DSCALAPACK_LIBRARY=<name of library>|NONE

    Specifies the library name for linking. If NONE ScaLAPACK is implicitly linked through other libraries/flags or the compiler itself.

Compiler flags

Compilation flags are generally managed through the environment variables (NOT CMake variables).

  • FC for specifying the fortran compiler

  • FFLAGS for specifying the compilation flags

An invocation might be: .. code-block:: shell

FC=gfortran FFLAGS=’-O3 -march=native’ cmake …

Alternatively, the flags can be supplied on the command line:

cmake -DFortran_FLAGS=-Os -DC_FLAGS=-Os

This enables fine tuning of the compiler flags.


Customarily, CMake uses the CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS. These may still be used, but the shorter, simpler flags allows less typing and faster proto-typing.

Siesta’s infrastructure also allows the usage of toolchain files.

This can either be set in 2 different ways:

# Use default toolchain files located in Config/cmake/toolchains
cmake ... -DSIESTA_TOOLCHAIN=gnu
# or a full path (for local edited files)
cmake ... -DSIESTA_TOOLCHAIN=/path/to/toolchain/file/gnu.cmake

# Direct usage of the toolchain file
cmake ... -C Config/cmake/toolchains/gnu.cmake
# or equivalently
cmake ... -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Config/cmake/toolchains/gnu.cmake

When using SIESTA_TOOLCHAIN one can use multiple toolchains. This can be valuable for overwriting or adding variables from various toolchains. Mainly useful for developers.

cmake -DSIESTA_TOOLCHAIN=gnu;local ...

to use ./Config/cmake/toolchains/gnu.cmake and ./local.cmake.

These toolchain files may be used to default your variables and caching of the flags.

Currently the default toolchain will be decided with:
  • GNU compilers will use the Config/cmake/toolchains/gnu.cmake toolchain file.

  • Intel (and the newer Intel LLVM backend) compilers will use the Config/cmake/toolchains/intel.cmake toolchain file.

  • Otherwise a _generic_ toolchain file will be used, which uses the default CMake variables.

To gain complete control of the compiler flags (without adding the toolchain ones) you will have to select the none toolchain and set the flags. .. code-block:: shell

cmake -DSIESTA_TOOLCHAIN=none -DFortran_FLAGS=”-Os -Dasheusatoehu”

A custom toolchain may contain any setting of variables. They can be thought of as an arch.make file with default parameters. Parameters that exists in a toolchain file can be overwriting on the command-line with cmake -D<VAR>=<VALUE> for temporary changing its value.

Further Options

Siesta provides a set of options that controls the capabilities or some intricate feature of Siesta. The generic Siesta executable should be sufficient for most, but some may need different details.

  • WITH_GRID_SP=OFF|ON use single-precision grid operations (ON). Can greatly reduce the memory requirements for large mesh-cutoffs and/or large unit-cells. At the expense of some precision. The default is to use double precision -DWITH_GRID_SP=OFF

Build types

CMake compilation infrastructure utilizes a build-type to determine the flags used.

These build-types are primarily used for experienced users, the default build type (Release) should be sufficient for most (if not all users).

A specific build-type can be enabled with:


Currently the default Siesta toolchain files allows these different build types:

  • Release: the default and recommended build type, it uses a high optimization level without sacrifycing accuracy.

  • Debug: used for debugging Siesta, or if there are runs that shows problems this build-type may be useful. Bug reports should use this build

  • Check: used for debug + checking code execution runs, primarily useful for developers; equally good for bug-reports.

  • RelWithDebInfo: a release mode with debug mode.

  • MinSizeRel: optimizes the executables for minimum size (-Os)

One can specify different compiler flags for different build types to more easily switch between them, for instance:

cmake -DFortran_FLAGS=-Os -DFortran_FLAGS_DEBUG=-g -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

will use the Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG flags while omitting the Fortran_FLAGS. This allows toolchain files to be self-contained and contain multiple user-configurations.

The currently supported build-types in the shipped toolchain files are: - Fortran_FLAGS - Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE - Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG - Fortran_FLAGS_CHECK - Fortran_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO - Fortran_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL


CMake integrates a testing framework, which can be run via ctest when inside the _build directory:

cd _build
ctest <options>

If the required external libraries have been compiled as part of the current CMake invocation, installation tests for them will also be executed. To run ctest with output verification, you can instead run ctest using the VERIFY_TESTS environment variable:

VERIFY_TESTS=1 ctest <options>


Developers are suggested to create custom toolchain files with the appropriate compiler flags and linker flags to sustain a quick and easy turn-around for the compilation procedure.


Bash scripts are notorious for omitting quotation marks when passing variables to CMake. For instance, a small script like this will fail due to the quotation marks being disconnected when passed as arguments to the cmake executable:

opts="-DFortran_FLAGS='-Os -g'
cmake $opts

Full control is easier to gain by using custom toolchain files.