SIESTA Quick install¶
If anything fails, see Known issues when building SIESTA.
Serial installation:
conda install -c conda-forge siesta
Parallel installation with OpenMPI:
conda install -c conda-forge siesta=*=*openmpi*
Parallel installation with mpich:
conda install -c conda-forge siesta=*=*openmpi*
For more details, refer to Installing Siesta with conda.
These are the minimal requirements for your SIESTA installation:
Fortran and C compilers.
CMake >= 3.20
BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra libraries (or compatible implementation, such as IntelMKL).
To achieve peak performance and make the most out of your machine, parallelization is also needed. Therefore, the following libraries are strongly recommended:
An MPI library (OpenMPI, IntelMPI, etc).
ScaLAPACK parallel linear algebra library (or compatible implementation).
Fortran-compatible NetCDF.
If you have a modern Debian-based system (such as Ubuntu), you can easily install all of this via apt:
sudo apt install gfortran cmake libopenmpi-dev liblapack-dev libscalapack-openmpi-dev libnetcdff-dev
If you will require PEXSI support, you will also need bison and flex:
sudo apt install g++ bison flex
Building SIESTA (See also Building Siesta with CMake)
The most basic compilation of Siesta can be done simply by:
cmake -S. -B_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installation
cmake --build _build -j 4
cmake --install _build
During the build stage, the “-j” option indicates the amount of processes to use for compilation. This will greatly speed up the whole process, but be mindful of the total amount of CPUs available in your machine.